The National VFW was founded in 1899 by veterans of the Spanish American War, and there have been chapters in New Orleans since the early 20th Century. VFW Post 8973 was founded by World War II and Korean War Veterans who lived in the Uptown and Irish Channel Neighborhoods and it thrived for decades. The Post was named after Alfred. E. Flynn, a WWII soldier from the Irish Channel who was killed at the Battle of Luzon in the Philippines. Alfred’s brother, John “Fump” Flynn was an original member of the post. Fump Flynn was also one of the owners of the F and M patio bar, which is across the street from the Post. (The “F” in F and M stands for “Fump”).
As the older generation passed away, the Post went into decline and was almost shuttered. A generation of veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan have revived the Post and it has become a place where returning vets can gather and re-kindle the sense of camaraderie they felt while in uniform.
NOLA VFW has its own building – located on the corner of Lyons and Annunciation in uptown New Orleans. The building is a former corner store and consists of a meeting hall and two apartments.

Scroll through to see the phases of our renovation.
In 2016 our post underwent a much needed renovation. Thanks to the dedication of our post members and support from organizations within the community our post is better than ever.